Tuesday 14 February 2012

Celebrations in a Foreign Land

This is a week of celebrations annually, for the Student and the Wife. But this year, we do it rather differently. No lavish dinners, no musicals or surprises...just us on the plateau, the smell of half-melted snow, 2 simple but delicious cakes from the pâtisserie and a very satisfying cup of hot chocolate. 

12 Feb: Sweetness in Simplicity!

14 Feb: Chicken stew with Baguette to dip. 

Took a day out to Orsay-Ville on Valentine's Day, to check out the amenities in the nearest town to Supélec.

I was glad that I took the plunge to explore the town amidst the drizzle. First spotted a WITCH with  her wooden wand with globe on the bus (it was 10am). NINJA TURTLEs boarded the bus at the next stop. 
A live sized CATERPILLAR with 10 legs on the streets, and 3 walking MOBILE PHONES! 

All sightings before 11am! Pity I did not snap any photos of these sightings, as I was trying to look "local". I suppose this is how they celebrate Valentine's Day here. Happy Valentine's Day!

Below are some information I found out during my site survey this morning 
(for the benefit of anyone reading this blog who is also looking for what is around Supélec)

1) Grocery shopping is not confined to Supermarché, there are also outdoor marché in Orsay. Every Tuesdays and Fridays morning (7am to 1pm), at the market square opposite the tourism office. Bus stop is Mairie d'Orsay (townhall of Orsay). Tuesdays have lesser goods, Fridays have more produces.

2) Besides for Carrefour at Les Ulis, there is Franprix at Rue Du Docteur Lauriat, Orsay, which sells Vietnamese sauces, sambal (Euro3) and coconut milk (Euro1). Nearest bus stop is République.

3) There are fromagerie and boulangerie every 5m in Orsay, you'll never run short of wine, cheese and baguette. 

4) There are at least 3 Chinese restaurants in Orsay if you miss home.


  1. Hello babe! Happy belated birthday to you :)
    I hope you are adjusting well over there. How lovely to be plunged into new surroundings with the husband. It's always romantic/exciting to check out new places together. I am so envious you can find great cheese and chocolates over there for cheap!

    Do keep the blog updated! Mine kinda died off....*ashamed*

    Encouraging you from jakarta!

    -Ibu May

  2. Hey dear...thanks for the well-wishes and encouragement!

    It is indeed an adventure in a new environment, especially in a place with a language barrier...We should start thinking of what to trade!

    Way to go, fellow "housewife"!


  3. This may not be of help to you but I used to know this girl (somewhat) when we were still training at JAL. She married a French dude and is now living in Paris. She is Singaporean. You don't need to contact her but this is her blog address sereine[dot]blogspot[dot]com. You may find it useful. :)

    Are you comfortable with me adding your blog under my links? Bored to tears most of the time and i love love love reading more blogs. Would be good to stay in touch too! Mine is at rocketjim[dot]blogspot[dot]com. Yoroshiku!

    That said, keep warm and enjoy! The weekend's near for more exploring!

  4. Hey Mrs Hanashima,

    Sure,I'm definitely comfortable with you adding this blog under your links! By the way, I've been reading other people's blogs and enjoying it too. So, thanks for dropping in the blogspots.

    You enjoy the weekend too!

    Mrs Fang.

  5. You can call me May actually.....wahahahaha.
